Take Flight Marketing Stamp Logo with beauty product and computer photo collage

 Now Boarding  Beauty, Health, & Fashion Brands

At Take Flight, we believe you should be able to trust your marketing agency to deliver the real results your business needs.

We’re a boutique firm specializing in performance marketing for direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands. Built on a foundation of analytics, we employ a unique combination of marketing tactics so that your revenue growth can soar.

Platforms We’re Proficient In


We are proficient in many social platforms, including Bing, Facebook, Shopify, Google Ads, Shuttlerock, TikTok, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Grid of social logos graphic

Meet Your  Flight Crew

Kim Wright


Mike Lee


Jon Derk, Creative Director

Jon Derk

graphic designer

Brian Sniffen, General Counsel

Brian Sniffen

General Counsel


Client  Success  Story

"Kristin is a force! I have gotten to see her and her team in action with a variety of D2C brands, and each time I am even more impressed. There is literally nothing this woman can't sell. She is knowledgeable, results-driven, creative and an absolute delight to work with.”

Taryn Aronson, CEO Totally Taryn Social

Take Your DTC Brand From →

Stagnant Marketing Results →

To Year over Year Growth →

Ready to take flight?